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Do you love animals? Does the prospect of a career spent working with animals excite you?
If so, you’re in luck. Our fantastic Zoology course is endorsed by Focus Awards at Level 3 under their Focus on Quality Provision (FQP) Scheme and has been specifically designed to give students a thorough grounding in this fascinating and stimulating subject.
An in-depth study, the Level 3 Zoology course provides an introduction to the classification, relationships, structure and function of major animal groups (phyla). With a particular focus on levels of organisation, reproduction and development, comparative systems and survey of selected phyla, students enrolled on this course hone a solid comprehension of animals’ form and function.
To make this course as comprehensible and easy to follow as possible, we have divided it into a number of key units.
The first unit includes a useful introduction, which clarifies the definitions and essentials that will prepare you for this exciting and rewarding programme of study. Moving on, you then explore animal development, different types of animals and the care of animals. You’ll cover all of the essentials on this riveting course, so by the time you graduate, you’ve developed and honed a very valuable set of skills and knowledge.
This superb Zoology course has NO set entry requirements. We designed it course to be accessible, so that we could reach as many students as possible to experience what the course offers. As long as you have a reasonable general education (i.e., numerate and literate), and a genuine interest in the subject you are very welcome to apply.
Introduction to Zoology
Animal Development, evolution to individual
Animal Diversity: Part 1, Simple Animals
Animal Diversity: Part 2, Complex invertebrates
Animal Diversity; Part 3, The first vertebrates
Animal Diversity; Part 4, Complex vertebrates
Animal Diversity; Part 5, Mammals
Animal activity; Part 1, Body, senses and movement
Animal activity; Part 2, Maintaining the internal environment
Animals and their environment
£35 deposit: remaining balance at the end of the month
Enrol for £35 deposit and remaining balance at the end of the month. Pay your deposit today get your course tomorrow!
Reduced fee of £259
£259 – all inclusive
Pay by 3 monthly instalments of £259 (approx)
£86 deposit followed by £86 for the next two months
The college accepts payment using the following methods:
Credit/Debit Card, Cheque, Postal Order and Invoice.
It is simple and safe to enrol online. Select one of the payment terms above and you will be taken to a secure sever to enter your details.
Once the enrolment process has been completed you will receive your introductory pack and login details to access your course textbooks, your tutor profile and their contact details.
We look forward to welcoming you as a student of the college and feel sure you will enjoy studying with us.
Key points for this course:
- This is a fully supported home study course supported by your own tutor
- Your enrolment fee covers absolutely everything – there will be nothing more to pay after you have enrolled, there are no hidden fees
- You have 12 months to complete your course
- You may enrol at any time of the year
- Access available within 24 hours

Money Back Guarantee
If you are not happy with your course simply return it within 14 days and we will refund your fees in full.
All students enrolled on a course with Cambridge Open College receive access to our online student community (I Learn It Easy) where you can submit your work, contact your tutor, and interact with other students. We have prepared a short video below to highlight the benefits to you.
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